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This is a term used to describe the induced movement to a joint or other tissue. Below  are the two varieties that I use in my office. Both methods have unique benefits and risks. The five large benefits of mobilization/ manipulation are increased mobility, decreased spasm, improved nerve function and improved inflammatory profile.


a: Low-velocity spinal manipulation/ mobilization: This is gentle tissue or joint stretching that does not involve the classic joint "pop or crack". It can be done by the practitioner and patient to all joints and tissues and is generally very safe but does not involve the sound of a pop or crack.


b: High-velocity spinal manipulation. This is the traditional spinal manipulation method used by most Chiropractors and usually involves a quick thrust at joint end range resulting in  the crack or popping sound.


Both of these methods result in


a: improved joint range of motion 

b: improved neruological function by stimulating mechanical receptors flooding the nervous system with valuable information. 

c: stretching contracted tissue

d: breaking up adhesions and helping gliding surfaces.

e: improving joint lubrication

f: improving alignment

Therapeutic exercises 

Exercises are used in treatment to improve muscle and fascial strength and responsiveness. This can involve the patient moving the spine against my resistance, the use of unstable surfaces such as a gym ball, wobble disc or foam rollers, postural and yoga exercises. 


a: Spinal intersegmental exercises and stretching. This is an exercise that is done when I restrict the motion of a vertebra and the patient either rotates or laterally flexes the segments above the immobilized area. This exercises the primary joint movers and stretches the contracted tissues at the same time.


b: Balance exercises using unstable surfaces. This helps to improve reflex motor control to stabilizing muscles of the spine especially the deep one. Balalnce challenges bring out core control.


c: general strength exercises such as dead lifts, overhead squats etc are to improve overall function, strength and flexibility.


d: yoga postures. These postures help flexibility, stretching, core control and relaxation.


e: breathing exercises. Teaching breathing exercises helps normalize function to the diaphragm and increas parasympathetic activity. 


f: ergonomic exercises: these are desk and life postures for improved alignment in everyday functioning. 

Self Motivation
All patients need what is called an "internal locus of control" and sence that they are are in control of their recovery process. This is why my goal with treatment is to liberate the patient from needing me in the future and recieving the tools nessesary for self treatment. This does not mean that all patients will never use in office care again but that it  is not the goal. My goal is always a full recovery for you the patient in as short a period of time possible with the most minimal of care nessesary.

© 2018 by Popp Chiropractic:      300 Landmark Dr. Suite F, Casper Wyoming 82609 | 307-237-6669

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